Monday 24 October 2011


I spent 4 days in the hospital. I was miserable. My fever hit 39.6C. I had the company of aches in my knees, ankles, toes and fingers. My muscles felt like I ran a full marathon. My eyes teared. Walking to the toilet every 1 hour to pee into an egg carton like toilet bowl while dragging my IV line with me wasn't fun. It certainly wasn't my idea of adventure.

But I took comfort knowing that I had friends and loved ones who cared for me. THANX folks for the calls, text messages, FB & Twitter messages, emails, visits, flowers, fruits and kind thoughts.

To the kind nurses at Assunta....thanx for entertaining me, measuring my pee almost every hour and administering all the medications & drips etc like clockwork. You girls were excellent caregivers.



  1. So sorry couldn't visit you in person, was having all kinds of family issues myself!

  2. hehehe fall under the folks who sent me messages. don;t think the assunta folks would have been too pleased if i had any more visitors though.

  3. I can't wait to meet ya! hugs

  4. everything fine already Evelyn? do take good care ya

  5. good to know that! stay healthy missy! :)

  6. much better folks. i can't wait to resume eating on a normal basis rather than my nibble style now.

  7. Glad you have recovered. What was your doctor's diagnosis of your sudden illness? Better to continue eating carefully until you are fully fully well dear.

  8. waaahhhh~ kesiannnye. Take care of yourself more dearie~
