Tuesday 19 October 2010

Takers: I am a smooth talker?

Its one of those days that I wake up feeling like I am on some kind of sugar rush. Running around my neighbourhood didn't work this time. So I've decided something new to entertain myself till my appointments for the day starts---> Take part in a contest:D

And so I discovered there's a brand new contest in the market. Thanx Eric for notifying. And just for the heck of it, I've decided to take part. Sirens and Sony Pictures have a simple contest with a fun quiz. I love quizes:D.

So what did the test reveal me as? Smooth talker. Now that has me rather surprised. Me a smooth talker? I'm not shy but neither am I a smooth talker. I do get stuck in the 1st gear of conversation many times contrary to what people think that I can chatter on any topic:P LOL. 
I can well imagine the smooth talker being the best distraction any company or gang can have to divert attention. And I reckon that it will be quite fun to watch the expressions of the smooth talker. And yes the choice of powerful, emotional words that he can utter depending on the scenario. And since there is a smooth talker - TI Harris as Ghost in Takers, this is yet another good movie that I'll enjoy - character analysis:D

But it has been fun taking the test. Rather interesting questions beyond your regular character test. So go take it.

But really, my favourite character has to be Jack Welles played by Matt Dillion. OK Ok OK, I admit it, I do have  a soft spot for this bloke having seen him play varied characters from The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, Wild Things, To Die For and Crash (he was nominated for an Oscar for best supporting actor). And how could one forget his role in "There's something about Mary which he acted opposite Cameron Diaz. 

But on a serious note, I've always like detectives:D Seeing how they put themselves in the shoes of victims and criminals when they try to solve cases. In reality am I like that? Perhaps a little:P 

In Takers, Matt Dillon plays Jack Welles an old school, tough no nonsence, workaholic detective. This naturally explains Welles' determination to track the bank robbers down.  

So what is Takers all about? Not just your regular bank robbery botched by a hardworking determined detective. Watch as the characters unfold when the robbery in question is a once in a lifetime US20 million heist. A lil romance. A lil of personal issues. The intense characters are acted by: 
 • Matt Dillon
Paul Walker
Idris Elba
T.I. as Ghost, the smooth talker.
Jay Hernandez
Michael Ealy
Chris Brown
Hayden Christensen
this is a must watch.  Don't believe, watch the trailer.

And yes, check out the MTV by TI. It gives you an idea on the movie too. I am so going to get this sound track for my running play list:D

Now, contest details, in case you're keen to take part too:
(3) And then blog about your favourite Takers character.
(4) Email your published post (link:P) to contest@sirens.my . Closing date 21st of October 2010.
!!! Remember to credit Sirens Media and Sony Pictures at the bottom of your post

The 3 most creative blog entries will receive a Taker's goodie bags to bring home. 
And the one prize I am so happy to see being offered is 2 units of the Sony Walkman W Series (NWZ-W252/W) MP3 Player to give away as lucky draw prizes. Now I have to start feeling lucky...I want that lucky draw prize:D

The above mentioned contest is brought to you by Sirens Media and Sony Pictures!!!


  1. Haha... yeah, hi smooth talker :p no wonder beria-ia. Sony walkman kononnya. I hope you win! :)

    psst: you been awarded at my site. check it out. ;)
