Saturday 25 September 2010

All about cakes and cuppies with Mamamin

Cakes! Mamamin comes to mind. Not your conventional cakes. But cakes that taste as good as they look. For every special occasion of your life, Mamamin is a must:D

I chanced with Min when Nat suggested getting Min to bake for Shalom and Cleo's birthday. That sounded like a good idea. But Min never baked for furkids and I wasn't keen to resort to conventional cakes with lots of sugar and flour.

We communicated our concerns and Min rose to the occasion. She did her research and arrived and lamb carrot cake. And the decoration wasn't cream or sugar. She used potatoes:D Healthy and wholesome. Yummy too. My picky furkid Shalom loved it to bits:D

I joined a networking group Business Network International (BNI). I wanted to share with my business partners something special on a Chinese New Year that coincided with Valentine's Day. Told Min that and this is what she arrived at:

Lovely isn't it? The gold coins, lotus and koi to signify Chinese New Year. Very auspicious indeed for us business people. And the lovely heart shapes to signify Valentine's Day. Absolutely yummy with orange poppy.

And, this lovely creation went on to be featured on Martha Stewart Cutest Cupcake 2008. I kid you not.

As it went on, I realised that Min is indeed a superb crafts person. She makes things look so pretty. Yet no compromise on taste. Check the rest that Min has created for my special occasions. In particular I love the one she made for Dennis and my wedding anniversary. She took into consideration everything that was "us". And she's done a superb rendition of Shalom and our Spyder. Lovely isn't it.

So for a cake of your own or even cuppies, visit Contact Min at And for hen and bachelor nights, do check out the naughty cake sessions.
Min also offers classes:D which I would love to attend one of these days. Let's just see how good these butter fingers of mind fare in making cuppies or decorating them::P

THANX Min! You've brought many happy smiles and memories with your lovely creations:D