Tuesday 9 August 2011

A decade of being Mrs Loo

Today Dennis and I celebrate our 10th year wedding anniversary. Yeah a whole decade of love, squabbles, poking and teasing each others. Its been fun:D

Here's some of my fave pics of us over the 10 years. We tend to take goofy pics...so have a good laugh!
Hehehe...but 10 years ago this very day, I lost my wedding ring and found it back. On the steps of Concorde Hotel. How could I do it? Well the ring was loose (I was seriously skinny then) and I was playing with it in the car during our drive from the Marriage Registrar to to hotel for our breakfast with the family. And somehow, it dropped out of my finger when I got out of the car of. I was frantic halfway through breakfast when I realised I didn't have my wedding ring! OMG...we drove off with Andy (our best man) and not too far off, my sis calls me "Hey! I found your ring on the steps of the hotellah". Phew! Confession: I still have a habit of fiddling with my ring.
Friends have asked why the flower wedding ring? Truth...I think that's the only one we could find 3 days before our wedding that has a blue sapphire and a ring that also fits my finger! The blue sapphire was to represent the happiness and peace that comes as we start a life together as Mr and Mrs Loo.


  1. Goofy? I thought that was the way you always looked he he. Seriously though, well done to both of you. It is amazing what true love can do in your life and that love is reflected in the pictures you have posted. Happiness and peace with a ring to ensure it is never ending. I like that.
    May the Lord bless this marriage and all that it represents to you, Geoff.

  2. Hey, Happy Anniversary! U look good in the shots & what a lovely couple :) OMG, this reminds me of my 21st anniversary coming in Oct! LOL! Chk out how we celebrated last yr @ Spooky 20th Wedding Anniversary!

    Well, thks for dropping by my blog! I'm following u now & hope u'll do the same. Looking fwd to sharing our journey :)

  3. blackswan: 21st anniversary? wowzers...what have you planned for the 21st?
